My Story: The First 37

The Second Act

Ki-Woon and His Wife

This is where I’ll end. I’ll post other information in my blog.

In hindsight, I wish I would have started the whole process earlier, but I can’t think of this as time lost. How would I have known the paperwork was not true? I’m thankful that the birth family is doing well and still alive. Most people do not receive the same outcome I have. However, I hope this may inspire someone to further investigate beyond what their paperwork states. My father was able to contact their original case worker. She said, it was common for paperwork to be generically falsified to expedite the adoption process.

This whole journey started because I wanted to know about my future health. Now I’m excited about the present and future we’ll have together.

I’d like to thank Korean Social Services for their effort in reuniting families. This service was accomplished for the price of free. It only takes a little effort and some paperwork to get things moving.

Isn’t it worth it to at least “Know”?


6 thoughts on “My Story: The First 37

  1. This is a beautiful story Scott. As the parent of an adopted son, I know the unanswered questions can be overwhelming at times. What a joy for your parents and your birth family to know you have some of those answers now.


  2. Scott,

    Just finished reading your entire story. It made for interesting reading indeed! I’m so happy for you to find your birth family! It’s amazing how much you and your twin brother resemble each other. I look forward to reading the updates.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Scott,

    I’m so happy for you and proud of you sharing. I am also more than proud of the man you have become and are still growing to be. You have come a long way and your talent speaks volumes. Now your voice is finally speaking even louder. I can’t wait to read more.

    Scottie Pitts


  4. I remember Charlie showing me the baby picture of you. It was sent to them from Korea. You hadn’t attuned here yet. It was during a “Kelly reunion” you were very cute and he was soooo proud!


  5. Scott,

    Unbelievable! Like right out of a story book. Can’t wait to read the next chapter. We’re so happy and excited for you!


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