My Story: The First 37

At Midnight, February 18th, 2014… I discovered I have an identical twin.

Now… Before I get into this twin business… perhaps some background to the uninformed.

In the Beginning…

Original Korean Social Services Document

I was born May 28, 1976 in Seoul, South Korea. According to my paperwork, I was abandoned at the Woo Ie Police Station on June 1, 1976. My name (Kim, Ki-Hoo) and birthdate were attached to my clothing. I was then placed into Korean Social Services.

My Parents

Back in Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, my soon to be parents had already started the adoption process. After giving birth to my sister, Jennifer, they had difficulties trying for a second child. They went to Pearl S. Buck International Welcome House to adopt. The adoption process in those days was much simpler. The paper work was started in March of ’76. Bank statements and work income were reviewed. Home studies and interviews were conducted. Photos of a happy, nuclear American family home were submitted for review. Remember this photo part… On a side note about the photos, my mother told me Welcome House did not want pictures of family pets in the photos. I’m going to make the assumption that seeing a dog or cat, on the couch or lap, may be disconcerting to a would be Korean viewer. And yes… my parents had dogs and cats.

Plane Flight from Korea

On September 29, 1976 at 10:10 pm – flying Northwest Orient Airline Flight #6, I arrived in New York’s JFK. My parents, Charles and Susan Mundy, received me as their new child. According to them, it was that easy. They literally were handing out babies and children from the plane. From the airport, I was taken to my new home… and my parents new home… on Silo Lane, East Greenville, PA. I was given the name Scott Gerald Mundy. My parents didn’t have a rhyme or reason for picking “Scott”, but my middle name is after my mother’s father, who had already passed away prior to my birth.

Silo Lane – East Greenville, PA

6 thoughts on “My Story: The First 37

  1. This is a beautiful story Scott. As the parent of an adopted son, I know the unanswered questions can be overwhelming at times. What a joy for your parents and your birth family to know you have some of those answers now.


  2. Scott,

    Just finished reading your entire story. It made for interesting reading indeed! I’m so happy for you to find your birth family! It’s amazing how much you and your twin brother resemble each other. I look forward to reading the updates.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Scott,

    I’m so happy for you and proud of you sharing. I am also more than proud of the man you have become and are still growing to be. You have come a long way and your talent speaks volumes. Now your voice is finally speaking even louder. I can’t wait to read more.

    Scottie Pitts


  4. I remember Charlie showing me the baby picture of you. It was sent to them from Korea. You hadn’t attuned here yet. It was during a “Kelly reunion” you were very cute and he was soooo proud!


  5. Scott,

    Unbelievable! Like right out of a story book. Can’t wait to read the next chapter. We’re so happy and excited for you!


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